If you, or someone you know is being cyberbullied, there are 6 steps you should take to take control of the situation. Depending on the circumstances, you may only need to take a couple of the steps to put an end to it. However, if the bullying continues, then progress through these steps so that you can be the one in control and resolve the situation swiftly.
For more information, download our helpful information flyers in our ‘What to Do‘ page.

It’s important you print and save the communications so, if needed, you have the evidence of what has occurred.
- Record the dates, times, and descriptions of what has happened
- Save and print screenshots, emails, and text messages
- Use this evidence to show an adult who can help. You need to be able to show them what’s going on

You don’t need to read these sorts of comments. You don’t have to “know what’s being said”. Comments like this are not useful and reading it will only hurt you.
- You do not have to continue this conversation
- Recognize that, generally, it is not a conversation in the real world; so choose to stop typing
- “Walk away” from this online situation and do not respond

Real friends don’t talk in hurtful ways to each other, so they have no place in your communications. Block a repeat offender so you don’t have to see their commentary.
- Block, delete or unfriend the cyberbully from your page or remove them from your contacts
- Someone who seems aggressive, or makes you feel uncomfortable, or who ignores you when you ask them to stop, should be blocked

Be careful about what you let others see. Ensure your privacy settings only let friends comment, tag or post to your pages. If you’re being attacked via your cellphone, consider changing the number and only sharing the new number with trusted, decent friends.
- Change privacy settings to ensure your profile is not public
- Remember however that the word “private” does not mean “private”
- Once you have data on the Internet, even with the highest level of privacy settings, if you would not want a grandparent to see it, don’t post it

While you probably don’t want to make a fuss, are a little embarrassed or even a little worried about what might happen next, it’s important that you share what’s going on.
- Talk to a trusted adult; a friend, parent or teacher about what is happening to help you devise strategies to overcome the situation
- Don’t be afraid that you will be in trouble or that it will result in having your devices taken away. Talking to someone will help
- You don’t have to deal with this alone

If the situation persists, then you need to report it. Cyberbullying is NOT OK and you need to take steps to have it stopped. Reporting might involve letting the school know if it involves another student at your school, advising the social networking site or cellphone provider to have the person removed for their anti-social behaviour, or if it’s more serious, it might be suitable to report it to the police. If you’re at this point in the steps, then it’s at the serious end and must be treated as such.
- Report to police if it involves:
- Threats of violence, or sending sexual messages or photos
- A photo or video of someone in a place where they would expect privacy
- Stalking and hate crimes
- Report school-related incidents to a teacher or the principal with printouts and screenshots
- Contact ISPs, cellphone service providers, and social networking websites to investigate or remove material