Think before you click.
Bullying, whether in person or online has serious consequences. It is not OK to bully, and if you are engaging in bullying behaviour or know someone who is, it needs to STOP NOW.
If you are being cyberbullied, or know someone who is being cyberbullied you can do something about it. You do not have to, and should not put up with it for a minute longer.

Act straight away and let the cyberbully know that bullying is not OK. Ask them “Why are you being a cyberbully? They are a really good person and I like them a lot.” Encourage your friends to do the same. This lets the cyberbully know they do not have the support of their peer group.
Before you decide to delete any hurtful emails, texts or social media messages, you should screenshot, print and save them. Record the dates, times, and descriptions as this may be needed for evidence that the bullying occurred and if you wish to report the incident at a later date. Show it to an adult, so they can see what’s been going on and help you resolve the situation.
Go to for some good tips on how to remove images. Never pose for a picture or share a picture or video you have taken of yourself that you wouldn’t be happy to show a grandparent. These images are illegal.
Private does not mean private but it is important that you tighten your privacy settings as it’s the best you can do to be secure. Once material is on the Internet, it is out of your control and could potentially be shared with millions of people. If you would not want a grandparent to see it, don’t post it.
It’s not OK to say you didn’t realize you were frightening someone, or that you didn’t realize you were being a cyberbully. If what you are saying or doing would offend your parent, sibling or your best friend, then it’s bullying.
Bullying, whether in person or online is illegal and has serious consequences. It is not OK to bully and if you are engaging in bullying behaviour you need to stop now. It’s not the actual act of cyberbullying itself that’s against the law, but if criminal offences take place during the act of cyberbullying, charges could be laid. This means you could end up with a record, or end up in jail.
Yes. You will feel so much better if you talk to someone and share the burden of finding a way to resolve the situation. If you are being cyberbullied, or know someone who is being cyberbullied, you can do something about it. You do not have to, and should not put up with it for a minute longer.